
Category Archives: Health Guide

Is Balanced Diet a bypass to Dietary Supplements?

Healthy Lifestyle Begins with AspKom

Health and Dietary Supplements provide physiological and nutritional benefits to our body and boosts the effective functioning and metabolism. Supplements such as Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants, Essential Fatty Acids, Phytochemicals etc. aids to enrich the body’s internal mechanism to fortify Cellular Protection, Repair, and Regeneration and Support the Renewal process. Health and Dietary Supplements not only […]

Convenience Food vs Health Food | AspKom Health

Health Food AspKom

With the fast lifestyle people are spending more time outside working instead at home. Cooking has taken the backseat for them. With the limited time in hand the tendency for the individual is turning towards adopting convenience food. This trend is widely popular amongst the working population, teenage children, people living in hostels, bachelors etc. […]

Chamomile Green Tea | Stress Relief Tea-Time

Chamomile Green Tea, AspKom

Chamomile Green Tea is the healthful beverage, for health-conscious tea loves, a perfect healthy blend of dried chamomile flower and green tea. Loaded with multiple health benefits and goodness of green tea and chamomile flower, it helps in boosting immunity, stress relief beverage which also helps in insomnia – a perfect detox and de-stress tea […]

Health Benefits of Asafoetida (Hing)

Hing, Hathras Hing, Hing Powder, Compounded Hing, Best Quality Hing, AspKom

Hing is a magical spice, flavor enhancer for variety of Indian cuisines, pickles and snacks, with multiple health benefits. Along with its use as a seasoning agent, spice for flavor in food preparations, its also widely used in Traditional and Western Medicines, for its mediational use in Digestive and Respiratory system. Helps with Loss of […]

Amazing Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea, AspKom Naturals

Green Tea, claimed as the healthiest beverage, has plethora of amazing evidence-based health benefits. With the presence of many antioxidant compounds, it’s easy to understand that green tea is one of the preferred lifestyle beverages. Sip of Green Tea relieve body aches and pains, aids digestion and impacts the process of detoxification. The difference between […]

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