
Ayurveda Copper Water Bottles

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Stylish Lifestyle and Health can go side by side with Copper Water Bottles, as a healthy alternative to Steel or Plastic Bottles for Drinking Water. Ayurveda, Vedic Relics and Modern Science mentions that Copper is an essential trace element for Healthy Mind and Body and Drinking Water stored in Copper Vessel has multiple health benefits, which can not be ignored.

According to Ayurveda, consuming water stored in a copper Containers, Vessel, Bottle or Glass can cure all three Doshas in our body i.e. Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. Copper Vessels induces a natural purification process, hence drinking such water is good for health of an individual.

Miraculous Benefits of Water Stored in Copper Bottles

Aids Weight Loss:
Copper in human body as essential trace element improves digestive system and helps in fat break down, so helps to lose weight quicker, try drinking water stored in a copper vessel regularly.

Healing Affect to Body:
Due to its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, copper aids in quick healing of wounds. Also it helps in strengthening of body’s natural immune system.

Heath Health and Hypertension:
Copper aids in minimizing the risk of cardiac and circulatory system disorders, hypertension and other heart ailments.

Regulates the functioning of the Thyroid Gland:
Low Copper levels in body is main cause of Thyroid Diseases, so Copper Water helps in curing the diseases linked with Thyroid

Great Anti-Inflammatory:
Copper has strong anti-inflammatory properties thus helps in providing relief in Inflammations, Relieves Ache or pain due to Inflammation, Joint Pains and Arthritis.

Choosing the Best Copper Bottles – Buying Guide

Several manufacturers are offering wide range of Copperware, including Copper Water Bottles, Copper Glass, Jugs, Water Tanks, Copper Water Storage Matka etc. in very attractive designs and shapes. From Plain Copper Bottles to Printed, Polished, Designer and Handcrafted Copper Bottles are available in market. While looking for the Copper Drinkware, check out for the following:

  • Copper Purity or Percentage, while several are offering 100% Pure Copper, others claim 99%, 95% etc. Choose for anything near to 100% Pure Copper Bottle,
  • Ensure you are purchasing from a reliable supplier which offers replacement in case of any leakage, ironically everyone will claim the product to be Leak-Proof but manufacturing defects or low quality copper or molding process may leave the bottle to be defective with leakage,
  • Along with Capacity of Bottle (500ml, 750ml, 950ml or 1l being commonly available), do check the weight of bottle. Copper being the element used in these bottles, with capacity bottle weight determines its quality, on basis of copper used in manufacturing the copperware. So you will come across variations in the supplier quality for same capacity, say 750ml but weight of bottle being 210-290 gm,
  • Prefer Jointless, Lacquer Coated and Screw Cap Bottles for their longer durability, ease in use and quality,
  • Bottle Cap material must also be Copper,
  • Avoid any form of Polish (Lacquer) from inside, Copper has a natural property of getting tarnished so just follow proper cleaning instructions to clean and wash your copper bottle, but never opt for lacquer or polish from inside

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