
Honey > The Natural Healthy Sweetener

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Raw Honey, unprocessed in the original and pure form is consumed for its medicinal and therapeutic uses, apart from being the healthy natural sweetener. Honey is higher in fructose sugar than glucose. Fructose is sweeter than glucose, so you may be able to use a lesser amount of honey in your food or drink without losing sweetness. Also, the honey contains traces of enzymes, amino acids, B vitamins, vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants and flavonoids

Why Raw Honey is Better than the Processed one?

Commonly the pasteurized and processed form of honey is available in grocery stores rather the raw one. During the processing (pasteurizing) process, high heat kills improve the color and texture of the honey. It also kills the unwanted yeast, removes any crystallization and extends the shelf life of the honey but many of the valuable nutrients are destroyed in the process.

Health Benefits of Honey

  • Honey is the good source of antioxidants, which helps protecting the body from cell damage due to free radicals. Free radicals may also act as the catalyst for aging process and chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiac disorders etc. So, consuming the Honey in form of sweetener or food additives may help in neutralizing the free radicals, thereby keeps a good check on ageing, cardiac diseases, skin problems etc.
  • Honey holds strong Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties, so is quite effective in controlling the infections caused by bacteria and certain fungal infections
  • Medical Grade, Sterilized Honey may also boost wound healing time, have anti-inflammatory properties so helps to reduce infection
  • Phytonutrients in Honey are the plant derivatives with antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Therefore, the Unprocessed Raw Honey marks as Immunity Booster and also holds Anti Cancer benefits
  • Pure Honey is a potent prebiotic and is beneficial in digestion and overall health, keeps you energetic and boosts overall Body Metabolism. This is the main reason honey is widely used for Slimming and Weight Loss with Green Tea or Herbal Tea
  • Consuming Honey also relieves Coughs and Cold, Improves Sleep, Honey can be a more effective cough suppressant with upper respiratory infections as compared to common cough medicines
  • Honey improves the levels of LDL cholesterol, which plays a major role in atherosclerosis and heart disease
  • Honey consumption Lower Triglyceride Levels
  • Raw Honey may help ease your Allergies

Buy and Try with Honey for Weight Loss and Slimming Combo

AspKom Premium Green Tea, 100% Natural Leaf
AspKom Chamomile Herbal Tea (100gm) | Healthy Tea Time

AspKom Naturals 100% Pure, Original Organic Honey | Buy Now

Refrain from Serving Unprocessed or Raw Honey to Children less than a year old, those had recent Surgeries or Suffering from Immune Disorders.

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