
Most Expensive Indian Mushroom

Guchchi, Mushroom, Himalayan Mushroom, Mushroom India

Found in the foothills of the Himalayas, Guchchi (Scientific Name: Morchella Esculenta, also known as True Morals) is high priced wild Himalayan Mushroom, priced at around Rs 25-35K per kg.

This delicious, expensive and loaded with nutrients Guchchi mushroom cannot be cultivated commercially and instead they grow wild only in some regions like the Kangara Valley, Jammu and Kashmir, Manali and other parts of Himachal Pradesh after the snowfall. To collect this breed of Mushroom, collectors have to go on high altitudes on the mountain ranges.

The Guchchi Mushrooms are popular for spongy, honeycombed head, health benefits, nutrient value and unique flavor.

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