
Chamomile Green Tea | Stress Relief Tea-Time

Chamomile Green Tea, AspKom

Chamomile Green Tea is the healthful beverage, for health-conscious tea loves, a perfect healthy blend of dried chamomile flower and green tea. Loaded with multiple health benefits and goodness of green tea and chamomile flower, it helps in boosting immunity, stress relief beverage which also helps in insomnia – a perfect detox and de-stress tea

Brewing Instructions

1 Tea Spoon per Cup of Tea, 3 Minutes preparation time at 90-100°C temperature boiling water.
Ingredients: Chamomile Flower Buds, Green Tea Leaves
Chamomile Green Tea can be consumed any time of day, but may be best consumed in the evening for its relaxing effects and potential de-stress and sleep benefits. It also helps to cure anxiety, mouth ulcers and aids digestion.

Health Benefits

Skin Benefits
It acts as a natural cleanser and accelerates the natural healing process of the skin. This tea also has the property to soothe the skin irritation which occurs due to UV rays and various skin disorders. Long term use of this tea helps to fight against acne and reduce radical damage to the skin. For people who have puffy eyes or dark circle under eyes, drinking this natural tea helps them to overcome this problem. It also secretively moisturizes our skin and keeps it glowing throughout the day.

Hair Benefits
Hair problems such as hair fall, greying of hair and dandruff are the most common, probably due to the polluted environment and lethargic lifestyle, especially in females. A good news is that, this tea when taken continuously prevents dandruff, strengthens hair and prevents hair fall, enriches the natural hair color and radiance.

Health Benefits
A miraculous tea as it offers various health benefits. A savior for women especially when they experience menstrual cramps and muscle pains. This tea has natural ingredients in it which eases the pain which occurs during mensuration cycle. For people who have digestive problems, it helps to soothe the stomach, fights against irritable bowel syndrome and prevents ulcers. It also boosts immunity and prevents body from getting into trouble with harmful bacteria responsible for various infections. It helps to fight against cold and flu, skin infections (allergy and rashes mainly) and stomach infections also. Some studies have also proven that it helps to maintain glucose levels in body, thereby comes as a effective treatment for diabetes.

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